Emergent Practices- Try, Test and Share!

by Lori Beth Rodrigues

The “planting of the seeds for 100 flowers” is deceptively easy, as discoveries of emergent practices can occur simply in our conversations with each other, all beginning with the sharing of ideas, or a vision…Imagine when.

Some examples of emerging practices are:

  • “I asked my colleagues during a boat crew meeting if we could all agree to keep our cameras on during the conversation, so we can all fully be present for each other.”
  • “We as a Practice Team decided we are going to use “turn-taking”, so we hear each person’s voice and perspective.”
  • “On my L-10 we experimented with using a “check-out’s”, giving each other at the end of the meeting an opportunity to provide direct feedback to one another, and to share one thing we learned.”

Since our time at Better Together, what ideas have come up for you? What have you discovered together with your teams and how are you beginning to explore? We would love to hear more! Feel free to share these ideas of possible practices, and how you are exploring, designing, and testing them, and remember, it doesn’t have to be perfect at the start to lead to great innovation! 🙂

Enjoy the journey!

Lori Beth

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

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Ian Robbins February 15, 2024 - 12:37 pm

Thank you!

Melanie Lund February 15, 2024 - 1:10 pm

I appreciate the sharing Lori Beth. You continue to inspire us to be better. I look forward to the future topics and posts. Thanks for putting this together.

Lori Beth Rodrigues February 20, 2024 - 8:25 pm

Thank you for your kind sentiments, Melanie. It was an honor to be able to work with such an incredibly talented team, where everyone dedicated a great deal of time and effort to bring this amazing blog to fruition!


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