Great Morning Team,
Cathy’s courageous discussion, sharing her growth experience in our Showcase our Growcase segment at last week’s All-Hand’s Meeting was incredible! She led the way, exemplifying what we all need to do, which is to walk away from the second job we all have at times, the job we were never paid to do; the one that takes so much energy from us every day and prevents and/or limits us from our personal and professional growth potential. This is the job of protecting our reputations at all costs, hiding our struggles, and our weaknesses. Cathy was brave, as we all must be, to have the courage to remove our own individual mask.
In our Growth Culture, we are encouraged to bring our authentic self to work. This means bringing the ALL of ourselves: Our strengths, our weaknesses, our individuality, our passions, and our ideas. It means being our true selves, and not trying to be someone else or hide who we are. Why is this important? If we don’t remove our masks, we live in fear, based on assumptions we have created for ourselves. Perhaps we assume we will not be valued, or that we will be viewed as incapable if we reveal our shortcomings. When we don’t admit where we fall short, or where we struggle; when we don’t ask for help, we can’t improve. It doesn’t just pertain to weaknesses either. Maybe we are embarrassed to reveal and share our strengths in fear of what others will think. When this occurs, we limit how we can help someone else. In either situation, we stop the limitless potential of what is possible in our own growth and development journey, both individually and organizationally.
When we have the courage to test our assumptions as Cathy did, only then can we see what is real versus what we assume. In our culture, the reality is we are embraced, supported, valued and appreciated for who we are, inclusive of our strengths, weaknesses, and struggles.
Enclosed is a wonderful article, “Here is How To Take Off The Masks To Authentically Be Yourself”, written by Terri Kozlowski, which not only states the case for why removing our mask is vital for accepting and embracing our true authentic self, but gives us helpful tips on HOW to do this as well.
Thank you, Cathy, for leading the way, helping us to see that removing our mask is truly essential to becoming 1% better each day in our journey of growth. Lastly, thank you for gifting us with your inspiring story, sharing the ALL of YOU with all of us!
Wishing you all a Better We, Better Week! 😊
Lori Beth