Better We, Better Week, Monday, April 22, 2024- Unleashing Our Curiosity to “Try Stuff”

by Lori Beth Rodrigues

Great Morning Team,

A few weeks ago, I was checking in on my son’s progress with his homework, and there he was working on one of the most fascinating, colorful fun PowerPoints I had ever seen, complete with music, flashing graphics and more! I stopped in my tracks looking at his screen in amazement.  Noting my jaw-dropped reaction, my son gleefully shared the rest of his presentation, beaming with pride. I was just so impressed! He was using Canva, an online template editor app for creating social media graphics and presentations for his designs. Even more surprising, I learned that his high school sponsors a pro-account. I had only heard of this program a few times, but never carved the time to explore it.  

Recently we needed to create a flyer for one of our EMT initiatives, and I was curious enough to try Canva out for the first time. At first it looked and felt overwhelming. Like anything new, it can feel a bit uncomfortable at first, but as I continued to explore this program, I learned just how easy and fun it was, and additionally, instantly invoked my creativity! Trying stuff. It’s what enables us to grow and innovate. When we are curious, and willing to have the courage to try and test something new, we learn, and add more tools and knowledge to our own personal toolkit. As a result, we can create and build new, different, and better as an organization. It enables us to surpass our competitors, especially in the ever changing world of VUCA. Win/Win! And while my newfound knowledge of Canva is not likely to change the world, it will likely enable me to utilize new tools to illustrate and communicate even better then before in my future presentations and messages.

Enclosed is a great article written by Ruth Pearce, author of “be hopeful, be strong, be brave, be curious”, and Change Readiness Coach, who makes the case for how our curiosity is the driver of innovation and creativity, in her article, “Curiosity and Innovation: How Embracing the Unknown Drives Breakthroughs.” (Click here for Article.) Ruth also provides some great tips for unlocking your curiosity, such as staying open-minded, embracing failure & collaborating….Curious? Read on! 😊

What have you had the courage to try recently? What did you learn? How has it helped your growth and E&I? We would love to learn from your experiences! Feel free to post your story in the “Trying Stuff” or the “Wins and Failing Well” sections of In the Groove or in the comments below. 😊

Wishing you all a Better We, Better Week! 😊


Lori Beth

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