Better We, Better Week, June 10, 2024: Notes from a 5th Grader- The Power of “Yet”

by Lori Beth Rodrigues

In my research of Ted Talks, I discovered that children are now giving these presentations- not just adults! I stumbled upon one discussion that took me by surprise. It was a discussion led by 5th Grader, Carson Byblow, who attends the Anglo American School of Sofia in Bulgaria. Somehow this 10 year old found his way into learning the topic of growth mindsets versus fixed mindsets. This concept was first introduced by American Psychologist Carol Dweck in 2006 with her book, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. Dweck shares her belief that success happens when we have the right mindset, rather than intelligence, talent or education. She goes on to explain that people with a growth mindset believe they can improve just about anything with practice, while people with a fixed mindset cannot change, as they believe their abilities are fixed.

(Image from pg.4 Cultures of Growth: How the New Science of Mindset Can Transform Individuals, Teams and Organizations, Mary C. Murphy, Ph.D.)

Carson’s 6 minute 48 second discussion of “The Mindset of a Champion” is quite amazing. He talks about his idols, Michael Jordan and the Rock, Dwayne Johnson, and their individual challenges that they were both able to overcome because they embraced a growth mindset. Even more impressive was Carson’s articulation describing a fixed mindset, the pitfalls of it, and his own personal story of his own behaviors when recognizing this mindset in himself. Carson shares how he figured out how to transition his own fixed mindset into a growth mindset from the guidance of his teacher and school counselor, by simply using the word, “yet”.

For example:

“I can’t do it.”  vs. “I can’t do it…yet”

“I don’t understand.”  vs.  “I don’t understand…yet”

The possibilities open when “yet” is used. We begin to reframe our thoughts. We become gentler with ourselves, accepting where we are in our growth and development and work hard toward becoming 1% better each day at what we each need to work on, with the belief that we will eventually achieve what is not possible… just YET. Carson believes he vacillates between both a fixed and growth mindset. According to new realized theory discussed in depth by Mary C. Murphy, Ph.D.; in her book, Cultures of Growth: How the New Science of Mindset Can Transform Individuals, Teams and Organizations, (found here), Carson appears to be spot-on. Depending on the situation at hand, we can experience both mindsets and we CAN shift and fluctuate between the two. It’s a continuum depending on the circumstance.

(Image from pg.6, Cultures of Growth: How the New Science of Mindset Can Transform Individuals, Teams and Organizations, Mary C. Murphy, Ph.D.)

Check out Carson’s Ted Talk, and I hope you enjoy his inspiring presentation! 😊

Wishing you all a Better We, Better Week! 😊

Lori Beth

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Sherri Collins June 17, 2024 - 8:42 am

Love this Ted Talks!

Lori Beth Rodrigues June 21, 2024 - 10:15 am

Thanks Sherri!! Much appreciated!


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